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Self Employed Business Ideas

According to ,  "Self -employed is a situation in which an individual works for himself instead of working for an employer that pays a salary or a wage. A self-employed individual earns his income through conducting profitable operations from a trade or business that he operates directly." Today, we try to explore some of the available self-employable businesses that one can dare to achieve the aim of becoming a self employed individual.   0 1. Blogging If you love to write, but don’t want to freelance, you may find  starting yourown blog  more appealing. There are many revenue opportunities from blogging including affiliate partnerships, sponsorship, product sales and advertising. Not to mention, blogging in a topic you’re passionate about can be deeply rewarding and fulfilling. 02. Event or Party Planner If you love throwing parties and are hyper organized, party planning may be just be your dream business. ...

Setting Up A Business On Campus

Doing business on campus is sometimes seen to be weird and abnormal. Whiles in today's real world, abnormal circumstances are the drives behind most of the world's top businesses. Just think of this - What if Mark Zukerberg did not start Facebook whiles on campus, Virante by Ryan Allis, Plaxo by Todd Masonis among others, will there be such a platforms as such we have today? Definitely not.

But truth be told, for the fact that these companies are worth millions and billions of Dollars today, does not mean that was how they started. So today, we are going to look at some very key points one should not miss if they ever start their own "Mark Zukerberg" or "Ryan Allis" journey.

1. Passion. 
         There's this popular quote about work that says "Turn your hobbies into work and you will never have to work for any day in your life." That is the drive. Your passion should be able to point to you, what you should ever wish to be. Your passion leads you towards the idea of what to do to become what you wish to become.

      2. Type of Business.
          You should think about the kind of business you will venture into, making that decision in conjunction with your passion.

     3. Feasibility.
       "Is what I am thinking real?" "Is is feasible?" "Is it applicable in the real world?" These are technical questions to ask yourself, deducing the moral and ethical implications of what you are about to set up.

     4. Sources of Finance.
        Now that you are sure that your business (or soon-to-be business) does not carry more "curses" than "blessings", then you think about the ways of funding your business. You do not necessarily need to start big, because extraordinary people don't extraordinary things, they do small things extraordinarily. With little finance, you can start in your Room, to your residential block, to your Hall of Residence, then you make enough to come out to the school's notice boards.

5. Prepare a Budget
       A budget is simply, a list of items that one plans to buy, and attaching to each item, is a price tag. Make on before moving to the next step.

    6. Seek Advice From Lecturers and Experts.
       For whatever that is happening today, has done long before. That's a fact. So for anyone to to be successful in whatever they do, constant advice is a must. Seek advice form your lecturers, and other experts who are experienced in the field you have chosen to tread on. Watch online tutorials and make full use of the school's library. It helps a lot.

7.  Marketing strategy.
      Branding and marketing strategies are very essential tools in reaching out to the world. At least Facebook and Twitter media accounts, a blog (to publish your products on), a clear neatly designed simple logo and a nice name for your business would do greatly.

8.  Keeping records.
      Record keeping is a very important aspect in doing business. Make use of the pen and paper, and your intellectual property. This among other things, reduces redundancy, saves time and resources.

9. Be Innovative.
     Innovation, self-discipline and being ready to work with others is a great way of improving the lifespan of your business. Provide a friendly environment for those around you. Take their advises with all seriousness. Be in touch with you customers and let them know that they are the reason you're there.

10. Last But Not The Least...
     Be positive about your business. But don't forget to go for lectures either, because that's why you are in school after all. Peace.

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